**Recent Changes** This chapter lists recent changes to lint that affect users of lint. For information about internal improvements and API changes affecting lint check authors, see the API Guide. **8.10** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------|------------------------------------------- `Aligned16KB` | Native library dependency not 16 KB aligned `TrimLambda` | Unnecessary lambda with `trim()` `UnnecessaryArrayInit` | Unnecessary array initialization **8.9** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------|------------------------------------------- `NioDesugaring` | Unsupported `java.nio` operations `PrivacySandboxBlockedCall` | Call is blocked in the Privacy Sandbox `UseRequiresApi` | Use `@RequiresApi` instead of `@TargetApi` `WrongSdkInt` | Mismatched SDK_INT or SDK_INT_FULL `UseKtx` | Use KTX extension function * The `ImplicitSamInstance` check is now turned on by default, and covers a broader set of scenarios. **8.8** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary -----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ `AppLinkSplitToWebAndCustom` | Android App links should only use http(s) schemes `AppLinkWarning` | App Link warning `CredentialManagerMisuse` | Misuse of Credential Manager API `PlaySdkIndexVulnerability` | Library has vulnerability issues in SDK Index `UnsanitizedFilenameFromContentProvider` | Trusting ContentProvider filenames without any sanitization **8.7** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------- `ChildInNonViewGroup` | Only view groups can have children `CredManMissingDal` | Missing Digital Asset Link for Credential Manager `CredentialManagerSignInWithGoogle` | Misuse of Sign in with Google API `UnnecessaryRequiredFeature` | Potentially unnecessary required feature **8.6** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------ `AccessibilityFocus` | Forcing accessibility focus `AccessibilityScrollActions` | Incomplete Scroll Action support `AccessibilityWindowStateChangedEvent` | Use of accessibility window state change events `CredentialDependency` | `credentials-play-services-auth` is Required `PictureInPictureIssue` | Picture In Picture best practices not followed `SimilarGradleDependency` | Multiple Versions Gradle Dependency `UnclosedTrace` | Incorrect trace section usage `UnnecessaryRequiredFeature` | Potentially unnecessary required feature `UnsanitizedFilenameFromContentProvider`| Trusting ContentProvider filenames without any sanitization **8.4** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------------|----------------------------------- `BuildListAdds` | Missing `add` call in `buildList` `PublicKeyCredential` | Creating public key credential `SecretInSource` | Secret in source code `LintBaselineFixed` | Baseline issues fixed * The `LintBaseline` issue was reporting two different types of issues: 1. An informational message that a baseline was applied, listing the number of errors and warnings that were filtered out because of the baseline 2. Whether one or more problems listed in the baseline are no longer reported, meaning the issue has likely been fixed -- so the baseline can be updated (for example to prevent the issue from silently reoccurring). Since these are separate problems and you may want to configure one and not the other to be a warning or an error, the `LintBaseline` issue id is now only used for the first type of issue, and the second one is reported under a new issue ID, `LintBaselineFixed`. If you had previously suppressed `LintBaseline` in order to remove both of these reports, you'l need to also suppress `LintBaselineFixed`. **8.3** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary ---------------------------------|----------------------------------- `ActivityIconColor` | Ongoing activity icon is not white `SelectedPhotoAccess` | Behavior change when requesting photo library access `UseSdkSuppress` | Using `@SdkSuppress` instead of `@RequiresApi` `WrongCommentType` | Wrong Comment Type **8.2** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary -------------------------------------|----------------------------------- `ForegroundServicePermission` | Missing permissions required by foregroundServiceType `ForegroundServiceType` | Missing `foregroundServiceType` attribute in manifest `IntentWithNullActionLaunch` | Unsafe intent launched with no action set `MutableImplicitPendingIntent` | Mutable Implicit PendingIntent is disallowed `PlaySdkIndexGenericIssues` | Library has issues in SDK Index `StartActivityAndCollapseDeprecated` | TileService.startActivityAndCollapse(Intent) is deprecated `TilePreviewImageFormat` | Tile preview is not compliant with standards `WearBackNavigation` | Wear: Disabling Back navigation `WearMaterialTheme` | Using not non-Wear `MaterialTheme` in a Wear OS project `WearPasswordInput` | Wear: Using password input `WearRecents` | Wear OS: Recents and app resume `WearSplashScreen` | Wear: Use `SplashScreen` library **8.1** * Lint now supports and includes checks for Gradle version catalog files. The built in checks around dependencies in Gradle files also apply to these TOML version catalog files. * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------------|----------------------------------- `NoOp` | Finds leftover code constructs which have no side effect or purpose `UnspecifiedRegisterReceiverFlag` | Missing `registerReceiver()` exported flag `UnsafeIntentLaunch` | Launched unsafe Intent `UnsafeImplicitIntentLaunch` | Implicit intent matches an internal non-exported component `ReportShortcutUsage` | Shortcut usage should be reported `UseTomlInstead` | Mixing and matching Gradle build file and TOML dependencies `KaptUsageInsteadOfKsp` | Using kapt where KSP would also be available `BomWithoutPlatform` | BOM artifact added as a dependency instead of as a platform `ProviderReadPermissionOnly` | Provider with readPermission only and implemented write APIs `MutableImplicitPendingIntent` | Mutable implicit PendingIntent is disallowed (The `NoOp` and `UnsafeImplicitIntentLaunch` lint checks are currently disabled by default.) **8.0** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------------|----------------------------------- `ChromeOsOnConfigurationChanged` | ChromeOS performance checks in onConfigurationChanged() `SetAndClearCommunicationDevice` | Missing `clearCommunicationDevice()` after set * Lint's API check now supports SDK extensions. The version checking utilities (VersionChecks, ApiConstraint) have also been improved to handle more scenarios. **7.4** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary ----------------------------|----------------------------------- `PermissionNamingConvention`| Custom permissions not following naming convention `KnownPermissionError` | Well-known permission errors, e.g. `android:permission="true"` `SystemPermissionTypo` | Usage of permissions that look like system permissions, but have typos `CustomPermissionTypo` | Usage of permissions that look like custom permissions from the same project, but have typos `ReservedSystemPermission` | Accidental redefining of a framework permission, or usage of the `andriod.` prefix `GestureBackNavigation` | Usage of KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK `UnusedTranslation` | Unused translation, not declared in localeConfig `NotificationPermission` | Notifications Without android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS `MonochromeLauncherIcon` | Monochrome icon is not defined `PlaySdkIndexNonCompliant` | Library has policy issues in SDK Index `TileProviderPermissions` | TileProvider does not set permission `SquareAndRoundTilePreviews`| TileProvider does not have round and square previews `InternalInsetResource` | Using internal inset dimension resource `BinderGetCallingInMainThread`| Incorrect usage of getCallingUid() or getCallingPid() * Lint now respects the `--offline` flag passed to Gradle, and will refrain from making network calls for checks that normally do (such as `AppLinksAutoVerify`). **7.3** * New built-in lint-checks: Issue ID | Summary -------------------------|----------------------------------- `SuspiciousIndentation` | Flags suspiciously indented code `StringFormatTrivial` | Avoid trivial conversions in String.format `WearableActionDuplicate`| Duplicate watch face configurations `EmptySuperCall` | Invoking super. on @EmptySuper method `OpenForTesting` | Overriding @OpenForTesting outside tests `DeprecatedSinceApi` | Calling deprecated SDK backport methods `ReturnThis` | Not returning “this” from @ReturnThis methods `KotlinNullnessAnnotation`| Using nullability annotations in Kotlin `MissingInflatedId` | ID not found in inflated resource `NotificationId0` | Notification Id is 0 * The Android Gradle plugin now supports having missing baseline files instead of empty baseline files. Add the experimental flag `android.experimental.lint.missingBaselineIsEmptyBaseline=true` in `gradle.properties`, and then run the new task `updateLintBaseline` to create or update baselines. **7.2** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ------------------------|----------------------------------- `AssertionSideEffect` | Assertions that have side effects `BidiSpoofing` | Misleading bidirectional Unicode strings `MotionLayoutMissingId` | Views inside MotionLayout require an id `UastImplementation` | Avoid UAST implementation classes **7.1** * The various annotation-based checks now perform additional checks for overloaded Kotlin operators, as well as additional scenarios where the annotation is inherited from outer classes, super methods, and in the case of fields, containing classes and packages (this was already the case for methods). This may show up as new violations in your codebase, such as the `VisibleForTests` check flagging additional usages of test-only APIs outside of tests. * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ------------------------|----------------------------------- `FileEndsWithExt` | Flags suspicious usages of File.endsWith(extension) `DataExtractionRules` | Missing data extraction rules `RedundantLabel` | Redundant label on activity in manifest `DiscouragedApi` | Using APIs annotated with @Discouraged `ViewBindingType` | Validation for `tools:viewBindingType` `AppBundleLocaleChanges`| Handling runtime locale changes * Updated lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ---------------------|-------------------------- `MissingTranslation` | Now checks for missing translations of plurals `WrongConstant` | Now has quickfixes to replace with constants `CheckResult` | Now also runs in unit tests * Removed lint check `MediaCapabilities` since its advice is no longer the recommended practice. **7.0** * New built-in lint checks: Issue ID | Summary ---------------------------------|----------------------------------- `AnnotateVersionCheck` | Annotate SDK_INT checks `CoarseFineLocation` | Cannot use `ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION` without `ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION` `CustomSplashScreen` | Application-defined Launch Screen `CustomX509TrustManager` | Implements custom TLS trust manager `HighSamplingRate` | High sensor sampling rate `IntentFilterExportedReceiver` | Unspecified `android:exported` in manifest `LaunchActivityFromNotification` | Notification Launches Services or BroadcastReceivers `LeanbackUsesWifi` | Using android.hardware.wifi on TV `MediaCapabilities` | Media Capabilities property not specified `NotificationTrampoline` | Notification Trampolines `NotifyDataSetChanged` | Invalidating All RecyclerView Data `TileProviderPermissions` | TileProvider does not set permission `TrustAllX509TrustManager` | Insecure TLS/SSL trust manager `UnspecifiedImmutableFlag` | Missing `PendingIntent` mutability flag `WatchFaceEditor` | Watch face editor must use launchMode=“standard” `WebViewClientOnReceivedSslError`| Proceeds with the HTTPS connection despite SSL errors `IntentFilterUniqueDataAttributes` | Data tags should only declare unique attributes * Lint checks now include information for reported incidents where the lint check came from, such as which library artifact provided it. This should make it easier to request enhancements or file bugs around false positives or false negatives. * The Gradle plugin now maps the `lint` task to the default variant's lint task instead of running it across all variants and accumulating results. This is much faster, is usually what you want, and now the target name will not change based on whether the project has product flavors, so you can start just running `./gradlew :app:lint` instead of `./gradlew :app:lintDebug` or `:app:lintProDebug` etc. Furthermore, the `lintOptions` block is now just named `lint` instead. * Lint “partial analysis” mode is now integrated in lint. * The API check now also looks up operator overloading functions. **4.2** * Improved support for lint.xml configuration files. You can now specify lint.xml files in project source folders, where the settings will apply recursively within just that folder. You can also specify options for detectors, and enable or disable checks for specific clients (such as just in Gradle, or just in the IDE, and so on.) * Support for SARIF reports; a static analysis report file format supported by for example GitHub, allowing the results to be visualized in a unified way on CI servers.