(#) Suspicious indentation !!! ERROR: Suspicious indentation This is an error. Id : `SuspiciousIndentation` Alias : SuspiciousIndentAfterControlStatement Summary : Suspicious indentation Severity : Error Category : Correctness Platform : Any Vendor : Android Open Source Project Feedback : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=192708 Affects : Kotlin and Java files Editing : This check runs on the fly in the IDE editor Implementation : [Source Code](https://cs.android.com/android-studio/platform/tools/base/+/mirror-goog-studio-main:lint/libs/lint-checks/src/main/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/IndentationDetector.kt) Tests : [Source Code](https://cs.android.com/android-studio/platform/tools/base/+/mirror-goog-studio-main:lint/libs/lint-tests/src/test/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/IndentationDetectorTest.kt) Copyright Year : 2021 This check looks for cases where the indentation suggests a grouping that isn't actually there in the code. A common example of this would be something like ```kotlin if (column > width) line++ column = 0 ``` Here, the `column = 0` line will be executed every single time, not just if the condition is true. (##) Options You can configure this lint checks using the following options: (###) always-run Whether this check should be included while editing. While you're editing, it's common to have a temporary situation where you have suspicious indentation scenarios -- e.g. you start typing an `if` statement on the line above something you want to make conditional, and you haven't indented it yet. It can be distracting and misleading to suddenly have both statements light up as errors. Therefore, lint will avoid including this check when running on the fly in the editor, unless it looks like the file has not been recently edited. With this option, you can turn it on in all cases. Default is false. Example `lint.xml`: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xml linenumbers <lint> <issue id="SuspiciousIndentation"> <option name="always-run" value="false" /> </issue> </lint> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (##) Example Here is an example of lint warnings produced by this check: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~text src/Kotlin.kt:8:Error: Suspicious indentation: This is indented but is not nested under the previous expression (if (this[i] == '\n')...) [SuspiciousIndentation] line++ // WARN1 ------ src/Kotlin.kt:15:Error: Suspicious indentation: This is indented but is not continuing the previous expression (var s = "The price i...) [SuspiciousIndentation] price.toString() + // WARN 2 ---------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the source file referenced above: `src/Kotlin.kt`: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers fun String.getLineAndColumn(offset: Int): Pair { var line = 1 var column = 1 for (i in 0 until offset) { column++ if (this[i] == '\n') column = 0 line++ // WARN1 } return Pair(line, column) } fun getPriceString(price: Int) { var s = "The price is: " price.toString() + // WARN 2 "." } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also visit the [source code](https://cs.android.com/android-studio/platform/tools/base/+/mirror-goog-studio-main:lint/libs/lint-tests/src/test/java/com/android/tools/lint/checks/IndentationDetectorTest.kt) for the unit tests for this check to see additional scenarios. (##) Suppressing You can suppress false positives using one of the following mechanisms: * Using a suppression annotation like this on the enclosing element: ```kt // Kotlin @Suppress("SuspiciousIndentation") fun method() { problematicStatement() } ``` or ```java // Java @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousIndentation") void method() { problematicStatement(); } ``` * Using a suppression comment like this on the line above: ```kt //noinspection SuspiciousIndentation problematicStatement() ``` * Using a special `lint.xml` file in the source tree which turns off the check in that folder and any sub folder. A simple file might look like this: ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lint> <issue id="SuspiciousIndentation" severity="ignore" /> </lint> ``` Instead of `ignore` you can also change the severity here, for example from `error` to `warning`. You can find additional documentation on how to filter issues by path, regular expression and so on [here](https://googlesamples.github.io/android-custom-lint-rules/usage/lintxml.md.html). * In Gradle projects, using the DSL syntax to configure lint. For example, you can use something like ```gradle lintOptions { disable 'SuspiciousIndentation' } ``` In Android projects this should be nested inside an `android { }` block. * For manual invocations of `lint`, using the `--ignore` flag: ``` $ lint --ignore SuspiciousIndentation ...` ``` * Last, but not least, using baselines, as discussed [here](https://googlesamples.github.io/android-custom-lint-rules/usage/baselines.md.html).