# Error Message Conventions ## Length The error message reported by a detector should typically be short; think of typical compiler error messages you see from `kotlinc` or `javac`. This is particularly important when your lint check is running inside the IDE, because the error message will typically be shown as a tooltip as the user hovers over the underlined symbol. It's tempting to try to fully explain what's going on, but lint has separate facilities for that -- the issue explanation metadata. When lint generates text and html reports, it will include the explanation metadata. Similarly, in the IDE, users can pull up the full explanation with a tooltip. This is not a hard rule; there are cases where lint uses multiple sentences to explain an issue, but strive to make the error message as short as possible while still legible. ## Formatting Use the available formatting support for text in lint: Raw text format | Renders To -----------------------------|-------------------------- This is a \`code symbol\` | This is a `code symbol` This is `*italics*` | This is *italics* This is `**bold**` | This is **bold** This is `~~strikethrough~~` | This is ~~strikethrough~~ http://, https:// | [](http://), [](https://) `\*not italics*` | `\*not italics*` \`\`\`language\n text\n\`\`\`| (preformatted text block) [Supported markup in lint's markdown-like raw text format] In particular, when referencing code elements such as variable names, APIs, and so on, use the code symbol formatting (\`like this\`), not simple or double quotes. ## Punctuation One line error messages should not be punctuated -- e.g. the error message should be “Unused import foo”, not “Unused import foo.” However, if there are multiple sentences in the error message, all sentences should be punctuated. Note that there should be no space before an exclamation (!) or question mark (?) sign. ## Include Details Avoid generic error messages such as “Unused import”; try to incorporate specific details from the current error. In the unused import example, instead of just saying “Unused import”, say “Unused import java.io.List”. In addition to being clearer (you can see from the error message what the problem is without having to look up the corresponding source code), this is important to support lint's [baseline](../usage/baselines.md.html) feature. Lint matches known errors not by matching on specific line numbers (which would cause problems as soon as the line numbers drift after edits to the file), lint matches by error message in the file, so the more unique error messages are, the better. If all unused import warnings were just “Unused import”, lint would match them in order, which often would match the wrong import. ## Reference Android By Number When referring to Android behaviors introduced in new API levels, use the phrase “In Android 12 and higher”, instead of variations like “Android S” or “API 31”. ## Keep Messages Stable Once you have written an error message, think twice before changing it. This is again because of the baseline mechanism mentioned above. If users have already run lint with your previous error message, and that message has been written into baselines, changing the error message will cause the baseline to no longer match, which means this will show up as a new error for users. If you **have** to change an error message because it's misleading, then of course, do that -- but avoid it if there isn't a strong reason to do so. There *are* some edits you can make to the error message which the baseline matcher will handle: * Adding a suffix * Adding a suffix which also changes the final punctuation; e.g. changing “Hello.” to “Hello, world!” is compatible. * Adding a prefix ## Plurals Avoid trying to make sentences gramatically correct and flexible by using constructs like “(s)” to quantity strings. In other words, instead of for example saying *“register your receiver(s) in the manifest”* just use the plural form, *“register your receivers in the manifest”* ## Examples Here are some examples from lint's built-in checks. Note that these are not chosen as great examples of clear error messages; most of these were written by engineers without review from a tech writer. But for better or worse they reflect the “tone” of the built-in lint checks today. (These were derived from lint's unit test suite, which explains silly symbols like `test.pkg` in the error messages.) Note that the [Id] block is not part of the error message; it's included here to help cross reference the messages with the corresponding lint check. * [AccidentalOctal] The leading 0 turns this number into octal which is probably not what was intended (interpreted as 8) * [AdapterViewChildren] A list/grid should have no children declared in XML * [AllCaps] Using \`textAllCaps\` with a string (\`has_markup\`) that contains markup; the markup will be dropped by the caps conversion * [AllowAllHostnameVerifier] Using the \`AllowAllHostnameVerifier\` HostnameVerifier is unsafe because it always returns true, which could cause insecure network traffic due to trusting TLS/SSL server certificates for wrong hostnames * [AlwaysShowAction] Prefer \`ifRoom\` instead of \`always\` * [AndroidGradlePluginVersion] A newer version of com.android.tools.build:gradle than 3.3.0-alpha04 is available: 3.3.2 * [AnimatorKeep] This method is accessed from an ObjectAnimator so it should be annotated with \`@Keep\` to ensure that it is not discarded or renamed in release builds * [AnnotateVersionCheck] This field should be annotated with \`ChecksSdkIntAtLeast(api=Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)\` * [AnnotationProcessorOnCompilePath] Add annotation processor to processor path using \`annotationProcessor\` instead of \`api\` * [AppBundleLocaleChanges] Found dynamic locale changes, but did not find corresponding Play Core library calls for downloading languages and splitting by language is not disabled in the \`bundle\` configuration * [AppCompatCustomView] This custom view should extend \`android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatButton\` instead * [AppCompatMethod] Should use \`getSupportActionBar\` instead of \`getActionBar\` name * [AppCompatResource] Should use \`android:showAsAction\` when not using the appcompat library * [AppIndexingService] \`UPDATE_INDEX\` is configured as a service in your app, which is no longer supported for the API level you're targeting. Use a \`BroadcastReceiver\` instead. * [AppLinkUrlError] Missing URL for the intent filter * [AppLinksAutoVerify] This host does not support app links to your app. Checks the Digital Asset Links JSON file: http://example.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json * [ApplySharedPref] Consider using \`apply()\` instead; \`commit\` writes its data to persistent storage immediately, whereas \`apply\` will handle it in the background * [AssertionSideEffect] Assertion condition has a side effect: i++ * [Autofill] Missing \`autofillHints\` attribute * [BackButton] Back buttons are not standard on Android; see design guide's navigation section * [BadHostnameVerifier] \`verify\` always returns \`true\`, which could cause insecure network traffic due to trusting TLS/SSL server certificates for wrong hostnames * [BatteryLife] Use of \`com.android.camera.NEW_PICTURE\` is deprecated for all apps starting with the N release independent of the target SDK. Apps should not rely on these broadcasts and instead use \`WorkManager\` * [BidiSpoofing] Comment contains misleading Unicode bidirectional text * [BlockedPrivateApi] Reflective access to NETWORK_TYPES is forbidden when targeting API 28 and above * [BottomAppBar] This \`BottomAppBar\` must be wrapped in a \`CoordinatorLayout\` (\`android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout\`) * [BrokenIterator] \`Vector#listIterator\` was broken in API 24 and 25; it can return \`hasNext()=false\` before the last element. Consider switching to \`ArrayList\` with synchronization if you need it. * [ButtonCase] @android:string/yes actually returns “OK”, not “Yes”; use @android:string/ok instead or create a local string resource for Yes * [ButtonOrder] OK button should be on the right (was “OK | Cancel”, should be “Cancel | OK”) * [ButtonStyle] Buttons in button bars should be borderless; use \`style="?android:attr/buttonBarButtonStyle"\` (and \`?android:attr/buttonBarStyle\` on the parent) * [ByteOrderMark] Found byte-order-mark in the middle of a file * [CanvasSize] Calling \`Canvas.getWidth()\` is usually wrong; you should be calling \`getWidth()\` instead * [CheckResult] The result of \`double\` is not used * [ClickableViewAccessibility] Custom view \`\`NoPerformClick\`\` has \`setOnTouchListener\` called on it but does not override \`performClick\` * [CoarseFineLocation] If you need access to FINE location, you must request both \`ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION\` and \`ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION\` * [CommitPrefEdits] \`SharedPreferences.edit()\` without a corresponding \`commit()\` or \`apply()\` call * [CommitTransaction] This transaction should be completed with a \`commit()\` call * [ConstantLocale] Assigning \`Locale.getDefault()\` to a final static field is suspicious; this code will not work correctly if the user changes locale while the app is running * [ContentDescription] Missing \`contentDescription\` attribute on image * [ConvertToWebp] One or more images in this project can be converted to the WebP format which typically results in smaller file sizes, even for lossless conversion * [CustomPermissionTypo] Did you mean \`my.custom.permission.FOOBAR\`? * [CustomSplashScreen] The application should not provide its own launch screen * [CustomViewStyleable] By convention, the custom view (\`CustomView1\`) and the declare-styleable (\`MyDeclareStyleable\`) should have the same name (various editor features rely on this convention) * [CustomX509TrustManager] Implementing a custom \`X509TrustManager\` is error-prone and likely to be insecure. It is likely to disable certificate validation altogether, and is non-trivial to implement correctly without calling Android's default implementation. * [CutPasteId] The id \`R.id.duplicated\` has already been looked up in this method; possible cut & paste error? * [DalvikOverride] This package private method may be unintentionally overriding \`method\` in \`pkg1.Class1\` * [DataBindingWithoutKapt] If you plan to use data binding in a Kotlin project, you should apply the kotlin-kapt plugin. * [DataExtractionRules] The attribute \`android:allowBackup\` is deprecated from Android 12 and the default allows backup * [DefaultEncoding] This \`Scanner\` will use the default system encoding instead of a specific charset which is usually a mistake; add charset argument, \`Scanner(..., UTF_8)\`? * [DefaultLocale] Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs: Use \`toUpperCase(Locale)\` instead. For strings meant to be internal use \`Locale.ROOT\`, otherwise \`Locale.getDefault()\`. * [DeletedProvider] The Crypto provider has been deleted in Android P (and was deprecated in Android N), so the code will crash * [DeprecatedProvider] The \`BC\` provider is deprecated and when \`targetSdkVersion\` is moved to \`P\` this method will throw a \`NoSuchAlgorithmException\`. To fix this you should stop specifying a provider and use the default implementation * [DeprecatedSinceApi] This method is deprecated as of API level 25 * [Deprecated] \`AbsoluteLayout\` is deprecated * [DevModeObsolete] You no longer need a \`dev\` mode to enable multi-dexing during development, and this can break API version checks * [DeviceAdmin] You must have an intent filter for action \`android.app.action.DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED\` * [DiffUtilEquals] Suspicious equality check: Did you mean \`.equals()\` instead of \`==\` ? * [DisableBaselineAlignment] Set \`android:baselineAligned="false"\` on this element for better performance * [DiscouragedPrivateApi] Reflective access to addAssetPath, which is not part of the public SDK and therefore likely to change in future Android releases * [DrawAllocation] Avoid object allocations during draw/layout operations (preallocate and reuse instead) * [DuplicateActivity] Duplicate registration for activity \`com.example.helloworld.HelloWorld\` * [DuplicateDefinition] \`app_name\` has already been defined in this folder * [DuplicateDivider] Replace with \`android.support.v7.widget.DividerItemDecoration\`? * [DuplicateIds] Duplicate id \`@+id/android_logo\`, already defined earlier in this layout * [DuplicateIncludedIds] Duplicate id @+id/button1, defined or included multiple times in layout/layout2.xml: * [layout/layout2.xml => layout/layout3.xml defines @+id/button1, layout/layout2.xml => layout/layout4.xml defines @+id/button1] * [DuplicatePlatformClasses] \`xpp3\` defines classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android. Solutions include finding newer versions or alternative libraries that don't have the same problem (for example, for \`httpclient\` use \`HttpUrlConnection\` or \`okhttp\` instead), or repackaging the library using something like \`jarjar\`. * [DuplicateStrings] Duplicate string value \`HELLO\`, used in \`hello_caps\` and \`hello\`. Use \`android:inputType\` or \`android:capitalize\` to treat these as the same and avoid string duplication. * [DuplicateUsesFeature] Duplicate declaration of uses-feature \`android.hardware.camera\` * [EllipsizeMaxLines] Combining \`ellipsize=start\` and \`lines=1\` can lead to crashes. Use \`singleLine=true\` instead. * [EmptySuperCall] No need to call \`super.someOtherMethod\`; the super method is defined to be empty * [EnforceUTF8] iso-latin-1: Not using UTF-8 as the file encoding. This can lead to subtle bugs with non-ascii characters * [EnqueueWork] WorkContinuation \`cont\` not enqueued: did you forget to call \`enqueue()\`?