# Example: Sample Lint Check GitHub Project The [](https://github.com/googlesamples/android-custom-lint-rules) GitHub project provides a sample lint check which shows a working skeleton. This chapter walks through that sample project and explains what and why. ## Project Layout Here's the project layout of the sample project: ******************************************************************* * * * +----+ implementation +--------+ lintPublish +-------+ * * |:app+----------------->|:library+-------------->|:checks| * * +----+ +--------+ +-------+ * * * ******************************************************************* We have an application module, `app`, which depends (via an `implementation` dependency) on a `library`, and the library itself has a `lintPublish` dependency on the `checks` project. ## :checks The `checks` project is where the actual lint checks are implemented. This project is a plain Kotlin or plain Java Gradle project: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: 'kotlin' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!! Tip If you look at the sample project, you'll see a third plugin applied: `apply plugin: 'com.android.lint'`. This pulls in the standalone Lint Gradle plugin, which adds a lint target to this Kotlin project. This means that you can run `./gradlew lint` on the `:checks` project too. This is useful because lint ships with a dozen lint checks that look for mistakes in lint detectors! This includes warnings about using the wrong UAST methods, invalid id formats, words in messages which look like code which should probably be surrounded by apostrophes, etc. The Gradle file also declares the dependencies on lint APIs that our detector needs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers dependencies { compileOnly "com.android.tools.lint:lint-api:$lintVersion" compileOnly "com.android.tools.lint:lint-checks:$lintVersion" testImplementation "com.android.tools.lint:lint-tests:$lintVersion" } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second dependency is usually not necessary; you just need to depend on the Lint API. However, the built-in checks define a lot of additional infrastructure which it's sometimes convenient to depend on, such as `ApiLookup` which lets you look up the required API level for a given method, and so on. Don't add the dependency until you need it. ## lintVersion? What is the `lintVersion` variable defined above? Here's the top level build.gradle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers buildscript { ext { kotlinVersion = '1.4.32' // Current lint target: Studio 4.2 / AGP 7 //gradlePluginVersion = '4.2.0-beta06' //lintVersion = '27.2.0-beta06' // Upcoming lint target: Arctic Fox / AGP 7 gradlePluginVersion = '7.0.0-alpha10' lintVersion = '30.0.0-alpha10' } repositories { google() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$gradlePluginVersion" classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion" } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `$lintVersion` variable is defined on line 11. We don't technically need to define the `$gradlePluginVersion` here or add it to the classpath on line 19, but that's done so that we can add the `lint` plugin on the checks themselves, as well as for the other modules, `:app` and `:library`, which do need it. When you build lint checks, you're compiling against the Lint APIs distributed on maven.google.com (which is referenced via `google()` in Gradle files). These follow the Gradle plugin version numbers. Therefore, you first pick which of lint's API you'd like to compile against. You should use the latest available if possible. Once you know the Gradle plugin version number, say 4.2.0-beta06, you can compute the lint version number by simply adding **23** to the major version of the gradle plugin, and leave everything the same: **lintVersion = gradlePluginVersion + 23.0.0** For example, 7 + 23 = 30, so AGP version *7.something* corresponds to Lint version *30.something*. As another example; as of this writing the current stable version of AGP is 4.1.2, so the corresponding version of the Lint API is 27.1.2. !!! Tip Why this arbitrary numbering -- why can't lint just use the same numbers? This is historical; lint (and various other sibling libraries that lint depends on) was released earlier than the Gradle plugin; it was up to version 22 or so. When we then shipped the initial version of the Gradle plugin with Android Studio 1.0, we wanted to start the numbering over from “1” for this brand new artifact. However, some of the other libraries, like lint, couldn't just start over at 1, so we continued incrementing their versions in lockstep. Most users don't see this, but it's a wrinkle users of the Lint API have to be aware of. ## :library and :app The `library` project depends on the lint check project, and will package the lint checks as part of its payload. The `app` project then depends on the `library`, and has some code which triggers the lint check. This is there to demonstrate how lint checks can be published and consumed, and this is described in detail in the [Publishing a Lint Check](publishing.md.html) chapter. ## Lint Check Project Layout The lint checks source project is very simple ``` checks/build.gradle checks/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.android.tools.lint.client.api.IssueRegistry checks/src/main/java/com/example/lint/checks/SampleIssueRegistry.kt checks/src/main/java/com/example/lint/checks/SampleCodeDetector.kt checks/src/test/java/com/example/lint/checks/SampleCodeDetectorTest.kt ``` First is the build file, which we've discussed above. ## Service Registration Then there's the service registration file. Notice how this file is in the source set `src/main/resources/`, which means that Gradle will treat it as a resource and will package it into the output jar, in the `META-INF/services` folder. This is using the service-provider loading facility in the JDK to register a service lint can look up. The key is the fully qualified name for lint's `IssueRegistry` class. And the **contents** of that file is a single line, the fully qualified name of the issue registry: ``` $ cat checks/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.android.tools.lint.client.api.IssueRegistry com.example.lint.checks.SampleIssueRegistry ``` (The service loader mechanism is understood by IntelliJ, so it will correctly update the service file contents if the issue registry is renamed etc.) The service registration can contain more than one issue registry, though there's usually no good reason for that, since a single issue registry can provide multiple issues. ## IssueRegistry Next we have the `IssueRegistry` linked from the service registration. Lint will instantiate this class and ask it to provide a list of issues. These are then merged with lint's other issues when lint performs its analysis. In its simplest form we'd only need to have the following code in that file: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ package com.example.lint.checks import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.IssueRegistry class SampleIssueRegistry : IssueRegistry() { override val issues = listOf(SampleCodeDetector.ISSUE) } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, we're also providing some additional metadata about these lint checks, such as the `Vendor`, which contains information about the author and (optionally) contact address or bug tracker information, displayed to users when an incident is found. We also provide some information about which version of lint's API the check was compiled against, and the lowest version of the lint API that this lint check has been tested with. (Note that the API versions are not identical to the versions of lint itself; the idea and hope is that the API may evolve at a slower pace than updates to lint delivering new functionality). ## Detector The `IssueRegistry` references the `SampleCodeDetector.ISSUE`, so let's take a look at `SampleCodeDetector`: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers class SampleCodeDetector : Detector(), UastScanner { // ... companion object { /** * Issue describing the problem and pointing to the detector * implementation. */ @JvmField val ISSUE: Issue = Issue.create( // ID: used in @SuppressLint warnings etc id = "SampleId", // Title -- shown in the IDE's preference dialog, as category headers in the // Analysis results window, etc briefDescription = "Lint Mentions", // Full explanation of the issue; you can use some markdown markup such as // `monospace`, *italic*, and **bold**. explanation = """ This check highlights string literals in code which mentions the word `lint`. \ Blah blah blah. Another paragraph here. """, category = Category.CORRECTNESS, priority = 6, severity = Severity.WARNING, implementation = Implementation( SampleCodeDetector::class.java, Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE ) ) } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `Issue` registration is pretty self-explanatory, and the details about issue registration are covered in the [basics](basics.md.html) chapter. The excessive comments here are there to explain the sample, and there are usually no comments in issue registration code like this. Note how on line 29, the `Issue` registration names the `Detector` class responsible for analyzing this issue: `SampleCodeDetector`. In the above I deleted the body of that class; here it is now without the issue registration at the end: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers package com.example.lint.checks import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.UElementHandler import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Category import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Detector import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Detector.UastScanner import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Implementation import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Issue import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.JavaContext import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Scope import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Severity import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement import org.jetbrains.uast.ULiteralExpression import org.jetbrains.uast.evaluateString class SampleCodeDetector : Detector(), UastScanner { override fun getApplicableUastTypes(): List> { return listOf(ULiteralExpression::class.java) } override fun createUastHandler(context: JavaContext): UElementHandler { return object : UElementHandler() { override fun visitLiteralExpression(node: ULiteralExpression) { val string = node.evaluateString() ?: return if (string.contains("lint") && string.matches(Regex(".*\\blint\\b.*"))) { context.report( ISSUE, node, context.getLocation(node), "This code mentions `lint`: **Congratulations**" ) } } } } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This lint check is very simple; for Kotlin and Java files, it visits all the literal strings, and if the string contains the word “lint”, then it issues a warning. This is using a very general mechanism of AST analysis; specifying the relevant node types (literal expressions, on line 18) and visiting them on line 23. Lint has a large number of convenience APIs for doing higher level things, such as “call this callback when somebody extends this class”, or “when somebody calls a method named `foo`”, and so on. Explore the `SourceCodeScanner` and other `Detector` interfaces to see what's possible. We'll hopefully also add more dedicated documentation for this. ## Detector Test Last but not least, let's not forget the unit test: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers package com.example.lint.checks import com.android.tools.lint.checks.infrastructure.TestFiles.java import com.android.tools.lint.checks.infrastructure.TestLintTask.lint import org.junit.Test class SampleCodeDetectorTest { @Test fun testBasic() { lint().files( java( """ package test.pkg; public class TestClass1 { // In a comment, mentioning "lint" has no effect private static String s1 = "Ignore non-word usages: linting"; private static String s2 = "Let's say it: lint"; } """ ).indented() ) .issues(SampleCodeDetector.ISSUE) .run() .expect( """ src/test/pkg/TestClass1.java:5: Warning: This code mentions lint: Congratulations [SampleId] private static String s2 = "Let's say it: lint"; ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼ 0 errors, 1 warnings """ ) } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you can see, writing a lint unit test is very simple, because lint ships with a dedicated testing library; this is what the ``` testImplementation "com.android.tools.lint:lint-tests:$lintVersion" ``` dependency in build.gradle pulled in. Unit testing lint checks is covered in depth in the [unit testing chapter](unit-testing.md.html), so we'll cut the explanation of the above test short here.