# Writing a Lint Check: Basics
## Preliminaries
(If you already know a lot of the basics but you're here because you've
run into a problem and you're consulting the docs, take a look at the
frequently asked questions chapter.)
### “Lint?”
The `lint` tool shipped with the C compiler and provided additional
static analysis of C code beyond what the compiler checked.
Android Lint was named in honor of this tool, and with the Android
prefix to make it really clear that this is a static analysis tool
intended for analysis of Android code, provided by the Android Open
Source Project -- and to disambiguate it from the many other tools with
“lint” in their names.
However, since then, Android Lint has broadened its support and is no
longer intended only for Android code. In fact, within Google, it is
used to analyze all Java and Kotlin code. One of the reasons for this
is that it can easily analyze both Java and Kotlin code without having
to implement the checks twice. Additional features are described in the
[features](../features.html.md) chapter.
We're planning to rename lint to reflect this new role, so we are
looking for good name suggestions.
### API Stability
Lint's APIs are not stable, and a large part of Lint's API surface is
not under our control (such as UAST and PSI). Therefore, custom lint
checks may need to be updated periodically to keep working.
However, “some APIs are more stable than others”. In particular, the
detector API (described below) is much less likely to change than the
client API (which is not intended for lint check authors but for tools
integrating lint to run within, such as IDEs and build systems).
However, this doesn't mean the detector API won't change. A large part
of the API surface is external to lint; it's the AST libraries (PSI and
UAST) for Java and Kotlin from JetBrains; it's the bytecode library
(asm.ow2.io), it's the XML DOM library (org.w3c.dom), and so on. Lint
intentionally stays up to date with these, so any API or behavior
changes in these can affect your lint checks.
Lint's own APIs may also change. The current API has grown organically
over the last 10 years (the first version of lint was released in 2011)
and there are a number of things we'd clean up and do differently if
starting over. Not to mention rename and clean up inconsistencies.
However, lint has been pretty widely adopted, so at this point creating
a nicer API would probably cause more harm than good, so we're limiting
recent changes to just the necessary ones. An example of this is the
new [partial analysis](partial-analysis.md.html) architecture in 7.0
which is there to allow much better CI and incremental analysis
### Kotlin
We recommend that you implement your checks in Kotlin. Part of
the reason for that is that the lint API uses a number of Kotlin
* **Named and default parameters**: Rather than using builders, some
construction methods, like `Issue.create()` have a lot of parameters
with default parameters. The API is cleaner to use if you just
specify what you need and rely on defaults for everything else.
* **Compatibility**: We may add additional parameters over time. It
isn't practical to add @JvmOverloads on everything.
* **Package-level functions**: Lint's API includes a number of package
level utility functions (in previous versions of the API these are all
thrown together in a `LintUtils` class).
* **Deprecations**: Kotlin has support for simple API migrations. For
example, in the below example, the new `@Deprecated` annotation on
lines 1 through 7 will be added in an upcoming release, to ease
migration to a new API. IntelliJ can automatically quickfix these
deprecation replacements.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
"Use the new report(Incident) method instead, which is more future proof",
"report(Incident(issue, message, location, null, quickfixData))",
open fun report(
issue: Issue,
location: Location,
message: String,
quickfixData: LintFix? = null
) {
// ...
As of 7.0, there is more Kotlin code in lint than remaining Java
Language | files | blank | comment | code
Kotlin | 420 | 14243 | 23239 | 130250
Java | 289 | 8683 | 15205 | 101549
[`$ cloc lint/`]
And that's for all of lint, including many old lint detectors which
haven't been touched in years. In the Lint API library,
`lint/libs/lint-api`, the code is 78% Kotlin and 22% Java.
## Concepts
Lint will search your source code for problems. There are many types of
problems, and each one is called an `Issue`, which has associated
metadata like a unique id, a category, an explanation, and so on.
Each instance that it finds is called an “incident”.
The actual responsibility of searching for and reporting incidents is
handled by detectors -- subclasses of `Detector`. Your lint check will
extend `Detector`, and when it has found a problem, it will “report”
the incident to lint.
A `Detector` can analyze more than one `Issue`. For example, the
built-in `StringFormatDetector` analyzes formatting strings passed to
`String.format()` calls, and in the process of doing that discovers
multiple unrelated issues -- invalid formatting strings, formatting
strings which should probably use the plurals API instead, mismatched
types, and so on. The detector could simply have a single issue called
“StringFormatProblems” and report everything as a StringFormatProblem,
but that's not a good idea. Each of these individual types of String
format problems should have their own explanation, their own category,
their own severity, and most importantly should be individually
configurable by the user such that they can disable or promote one of
these issues separately from the others.
A `Detector` can indicate which sets of files it cares about. These are
called “scopes”, and the way this works is that when you register your
`Issue`, you tell that issue which `Detector` class is responsible for
analyzing it, as well as which scopes the detector cares about.
If for example a lint check wants to analyze Kotlin files, it can
include the `Scope.JAVA_FILE` scope, and now that detector will be
included when lint processes Java or Kotin files.
!!! Tip
The name `Scope.JAVA_FILE` may make it sound like there should also
be a `Scope.KOTLIN_FILE`. However, `JAVA_FILE` here really refers to
both Java and Kotlin files since the analysis and APIs are identical
for both (using “UAST”, a unified abstract syntax tree). However,
at this point we don't want to rename it since it would break a lot
of existing checks. We might introduce an alias and deprecate this
one in the future.
When detectors implement various callbacks, they can analyze the
code, and if they find a problematic pattern, they can “report”
the incident. This means computing an error message, as well as
a “location”. A “location” for an incident is really an error
range -- a file, and a starting offset and an ending offset. Locations
can also be linked together, so for example for a “duplicate
declaration” error, you can and should include both locations.
Many detector methods will pass in a `Context`, or a more specific
subclass of `Context` such as `JavaContext` or `XmlContext`. This
allows lint to give the detectors information they may need, without
passing in a lot of parameters. It also allows lint to add additional data
over time without breaking signatures.
The `Context` classes also provide many convenience APIs. For example,
for `XmlContext` there are methods for creating locations for XML tags,
XML attributes, just the name part of an XML attribute, and just the
value part of an XML attribute. For a `JavaContext` there are also
methods for creating locations, such as for a method call, including
whether to include the receiver and/or the argument list.
When you report an `Incident` you can also provide a `LintFix`; this is
a quickfix which the IDE can use to offer actions to take on the
warning. In some cases, you can offer a complete and correct fix (such
as removing an unused element). In other cases the fix may be less
clear; for example, the `AccessibilityDetector` asks you to set a
description for images; the quickfix will set the content attribute,
but will leave the text value as TODO and will select the string such
that the user can just type to replace it.
!!! Tip
When reporting incidents, make sure that the error messages are not
generic; try to be explicit and include specifics for the current
scenario. For example, instead of just “Duplicate declaration”, use
“`$name` has already been declared”. This isn't just for cosmetics;
it also makes lint's [baseline
mechanism](../usage/baselines.md.html) work better since it
currently matches by id + file + message, not by line numbers which
typically drift over time.
## Client API versus Detector API
Lint's API has two halves:
- The **Client API**: “Integrate (and run) lint from within a tool”.
For example, both the IDE and the build system use this API to embed
and invoke lint to analyze the code in the project or editor.
- The **Detector API**: “Implement a new lint check”. This is the API
which lets checkers analyze code and report problems that they find.
The class in the Client API which represents lint running in a tool is
called `LintClient`. This class is responsible for, among other things:
* **Reporting incidents found by detectors**. For example, in the IDE, it
will place error markers into the source editor, and in a build
system, it may write warnings to the console or generate a report or
even fail the build.
* **Handling I/O**. Detectors should never read files from disk directly.
This allows lint checks to work smoothly in for example the IDE. When
lint runs on the fly, and a lint check asks for the source file
contents (or other supporting files), the `LintClient` in the IDE
will implement the `readFile` method to first look in the open source
editors and if the requested file is being edited, it will return the
current (often unsaved!) contents.
* **Handling network traffic**. Lint checks should never open
URLConnections themselves. Instead, they should go through the lint API
to request data for URLs. Among other things, this allows the
`LintClient` to use configured IDE proxy settings (as is done in the
IntelliJ integration of lint). This is also good for testing, because
the special unit test implementation of a `LintClient` has a simple way
to provide exact responses for specific URLs:
// Set up exactly the expected maven.google.com network output to
// ensure stable version suggestions in the tests
.networkData("https://maven.google.com/master-index.xml", ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ " "
+ "")
.networkData("https://maven.google.com/com/android/tools/build/group-index.xml", ""
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ " \n"
+ "")
And much, much, more. **However, most of the implementation of
`LintClient` is intended for integration of lint itself, and as a check
author you don't need to worry about it.** The detector API will matter
more, and it's also less likely to change than the client API.
!!! Tip
The division between the two halves is not perfect; some classes
do not fit neatly in between the two or historically were put in
the wrong place, so this is a high level design to be aware of but
which is not absolute.
!!! Warning
Because of the division between two separate packages, which in
retrospect was a mistake, a number of APIs that are only intended
for internal lint usage have been made `public` such that lint's
code in one package can access it from the other. There's normally a
comment explaining that this is for internal use only, but be aware
that even when something is `public` or not `final`, it might not be a
good idea to call or override it.
## Creating an Issue
For information on how to set up the project and to actually publish
your lint checks, see the [sample](example.md.html) and
[publishing](publishing.md.html) chapters.
`Issue` is a final class, so unlike `Detector`, you don't subclass
it; you instantiate it via `Issue.create`.
By convention, issues are registered inside the companion object of the
corresponding detector, but that is not required.
Here's an example:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
class SdCardDetector : Detector(), SourceCodeScanner {
companion object Issues {
val ISSUE = Issue.create(
id = "SdCardPath",
briefDescription = "Hardcoded reference to `/sdcard`",
explanation = """
Your code should not reference the `/sdcard` path directly; \
instead use `Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()`.
Similarly, do not reference the `/data/data/` path directly; it \
can vary in multi-user scenarios. Instead, use \
moreInfo = "https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage#filesExternal",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = Implementation(
There are a number of things to note here.
On line 4, we have the `Issue.create()` call. We store the issue into a
property such that we can reference this issue both from the
`IssueRegistry`, where we provide the `Issue` to lint, and also in the
`Detector` code where we report incidents of the issue.
Note that `Issue.create` is a method with a lot of parameters (and we
will probably add more parameters in the future). Therefore, it's a
good practice to explicitly include the argument names (and therefore
to implement your code in Kotlin).
The `Issue` provides metadata about a type of problem.
The **`id`** is a short, unique identifier for this issue. By
convention it is a combination of words, capitalized camel case (though
you can also add your own package prefix as in Java packages). Note
that the id is “user visible”; it is included in text output when lint
runs in the build system, such as this:
src/main/kotlin/test/pkg/MyTest.kt:4: Warning: Do not hardcode "/sdcard/";
use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() instead [SdCardPath]
val s: String = "/sdcard/mydir"
0 errors, 1 warnings
(Notice the `[SdCardPath]` suffix at the end of the error message.)
The reason the id is made known to the user is that the ID is how
they'll configure and/or suppress issues. For example, to suppress the
warning in the current method, use
(or in Java, @SuppressWarnings). Note that there is an IDE quickfix to
suppress an incident which will automatically add these annotations, so
you don't need to know the ID in order to be able to suppress an
incident, but the ID will be visible in the annotation that it
generates, so it should be reasonably specific.
Also, since the namespace is global, try to avoid picking generic names
that could clash with others, or seem to cover a larger set of issues
than intended. For example, “InvalidDeclaration” would be a poor id
since that can cover a lot of potential problems with declarations
across a number of languages and technologies.
Next, we have the **`briefDescription`**. You can think of this as a
“category report header”; this is a static description for all
incidents of this type, so it cannot include any specifics. This string
is used for example as a header in HTML reports for all incidents of
this type, and in the IDE, if you open the Inspections UI, the various
issues are listed there using the brief descriptions.
The **`explanation`** is a multi line, ideally multi-paragraph
explanation of what the problem is. In some cases, the problem is self
evident, as in the case of “Unused declaration”, but in many cases, the
issue is more subtle and might require additional explanation,
particularly for what the developer should **do** to address the
problem. The explanation is included both in HTML reports and in the
IDE inspection results window.
Note that even though we're using a raw string, and even though the
string is indented to be flush with the rest of the issue registration
for better readability, we don't need to call `trimIndent()` on
the raw string. Lint does that automatically.
However, we do need to add line continuations -- those are the trailing
\'s at the end of the lines.
Note also that we have a Markdown-like simple syntax, described in the
“TextFormat” section below. You can use asterisks for italics or double
asterisks for bold, you can use apostrophes for code font, and so on.
In terminal output this doesn't make a difference, but the IDE,
explanations, incident error messages, etc, are all formatted using
these styles.
The **`category`** isn't super important; the main use is that category
names can be treated as id's when it comes to issue configuration; for
example, a user can turn off all internationalization issues, or run
lint against only the security related issues. The category is also
used for locating related issues in HTML reports. If none of the
built-in categories are appropriate you can also create your own.
The **`severity`** property is very important. An issue can be either a
warning or an error. These are treated differently in the IDE (where
errors are red underlines and warnings are yellow highlights), and in
the build system (where errors can optionally break the build and
warnings do not). There are some other severities too; “fatal” is like
error except these checks are designated important enough (and have
very few false positives) such that we run them during release builds,
even if the user hasn't explicitly run a lint target. There's also
“informational” severity, which is only used in one or two places, and
finally the “ignore” severity. This is never the severity you register
for an issue, but it's part of the severities a developer can configure
for a particular issue, thereby turning off that particular check.
You can also specify a **`moreInfo`** URL which will be included in the
issue explanation as a “More Info” link to open to read more details
about this issue or underlying problem.
## TextFormat
All error messages and issue metadata strings in lint are interpreted
using simple Markdown-like syntax:
Raw text format | Renders To
This is a \`code symbol\` | This is a `code symbol`
This is `*italics*` | This is *italics*
This is `**bold**` | This is **bold**
This is `~~strikethrough~~` | This is ~~strikethrough~~
http://, https:// | [](http://), [](https://)
`\*not italics*` | `\*not italics*`
\`\`\`language\n text\n\`\`\`| (preformatted text block)
[Supported markup in lint's markdown-like raw text format]
This is useful when error messages and issue explanations are shown in
HTML reports generated by Lint, or in the IDE, where for example the
error message tooltips will use formatting.
In the API, there is a `TextFormat` enum which encapsulates the
different text formats, and the above syntax is referred to as
`TextFormat.RAW`; it can be converted to `.TEXT` or `.HTML` for
example, which lint does when writing text reports to the console or
HTML reports to files respectively. As a lint check author you don't
need to know this (though you can for example with the unit testing
support decide which format you want to compare against in your
expected output), but the main point here is that your issue's brief
description, issue explanation, incident report messages etc, should
use the above “raw” syntax. Especially the first conversion; error
messages often refer to class names and method names, and these should
be surrounded by apostrophes.
See the [error message](messages.md.html) chapter for more information
on how to craft error messages.
## Issue Implementation
The last issue registration property is the **`implementation`**. This
is where we glue our metadata to our specific implementation of an
analyzer which can find instances of this issue.
Normally, the `Implementation` provides two things:
* The `.class` for our `Detector` which should be instantiated. In the
code sample above it was `SdCardDetector`.
* The `Scope` that this issue's detector applies to. In the above
example it was `Scope.JAVA_FILE`, which means it will apply to Java
and Kotlin files.
## Scopes
The `Implementation` actually takes a **set** of scopes; we still refer
to this as a “scope”. Some lint checks want to analyze multiple types
of files. For example, the `StringFormatDetector` will analyze both the
resource files declaring the formatting strings across various locales,
as well as the Java and Kotlin files containing `String.format` calls
referencing the formatting strings.
There are a number of pre-defined sets of scopes in the `Scope`
class. `Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE` is the most common, which is a
singleton set containing exactly `Scope.JAVA_FILE`, but you
can always create your own, such as for example
When a lint issue requires multiple scopes, that means lint will
**only** run this detector if **all** the scopes are available in the
running tool. When lint runs a full batch run (such as a Gradle lint
target or a full “Inspect Code” in the IDE), all scopes are available.
However, when lint runs on the fly in the editor, it only has access to
the current file; it won't re-analyze *all* files in the project for
every few keystrokes. So in this case, the scope in the lint driver
only includes the current source file's type, and only lint checks
which specify a scope that is a subset would run.
This is a common mistake for new lint check authors: the lint check
works just fine as a unit test, but they don't see working in the IDE
because the issue implementation requests multiple scopes, and **all**
have to be available.
Often, a lint check looks at multiple source file types to work
correctly in all cases, but it can still identify *some* problems given
individual source files. In this case, the `Implementation` constructor
(which takes a vararg of scope sets) can be handed additional sets of
scopes, called “analysis scopes”. If the current lint client's scope
matches or is a subset of any of the analysis scopes, then the check
will run after all.
## Registering the Issue
Once you've created your issue, you need to provide it from
an `IssueRegistry`.
Here's an example `IssueRegistry`:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
package com.example.lint.checks
import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.IssueRegistry
import com.android.tools.lint.client.api.Vendor
import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.CURRENT_API
class SampleIssueRegistry : IssueRegistry() {
override val issues = listOf(SdCardDetector.ISSUE)
override val api: Int
// works with Studio 4.1 or later; see
// com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Api / ApiKt
override val minApi: Int
get() = 8
// Requires lint API 30.0+; if you're still building for something
// older, just remove this property.
override val vendor: Vendor = Vendor(
vendorName = "Android Open Source Project",
feedbackUrl = "https://com.example.lint.blah.blah",
contact = "author@com.example.lint"
On line 8, we're returning our issue. It's a list, so an
`IssueRegistry` can provide multiple issues.
The **`api`** property should be written exactly like the way it
appears above in your own issue registry as well; this will record
which version of the lint API this issue registry was compiled against
(because this references a static final constant which will be copied
into the jar file instead of looked up dynamically when the jar is
The **`minApi`** property records the oldest lint API level this check
has been tested with.
Both of these are used at issue loading time to make sure lint checks
are compatible, but in recent versions of lint (7.0) lint will more
aggressively try to load older detectors even if they have been
compiled against older APIs since there's a high likelihood that they
will work (it checks all the lint APIs in the bytecode and uses
reflection to verify that they're still there).
The **`vendor`** property is new as of 7.0, and gives lint authors a
way to indicate where the lint check came from. When users use lint,
they're running hundreds and hundreds of checks, and sometimes it's not
clear who to contact with requests or bug reports. When a vendor has
been specified, lint will include this information in error output and
The last step towards making the lint check available is to make
the `IssueRegistry` known via the service loader mechanism.
Create a file named exactly
with the following contents (but where you substitute in your own
fully qualified class name for your issue registry):
If you're not building your lint check using Gradle, you may not want
the `src/main/resources` prefix; the point is that your packaging of
the jar file should contain `META-INF/services/` at the root of the jar
## Implementing a Detector: Scanners
We've finally come to the main task with writing a lint check:
implementing the **`Detector`**.
Here's a trivial one:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
class MyDetector : Detector() {
override fun run(context: Context) {
context.report(ISSUE, Location.create(context.file),
"I complain a lot")
This will just complain in every single file. Obviously, no real lint
detector does this; we want to do some analysis and **conditionally** report
incidents. For information about how to phrase error messages, see the [error
message](messages.md.html) chapter.
In order to make it simpler to perform analysis, Lint has dedicated
support for analyzing various file types. The way this works is that
you register interest, and then various callbacks will be invoked.
For example:
* When implementing **`XmlScanner`**, in an XML element you can be
called back
- when any of a set of given tags are declared (`visitElement`)
- when any of a set of named attributes are declared
- and you can perform your own document traversal via `visitDocument`
* When implementing **`SourceCodeScanner`**, in Kotlin and Java files
you can be called back
- when a method of a given name is invoked (`getApplicableMethodNames`
and `visitMethodCall`)
- when a class of the given type is instantiated
(`getApplicableConstructorTypes` and `visitConstructor`)
- when a new class is declared which extends (possibly indirectly)
a given class or interface (`applicableSuperClasses` and
- when annotated elements are referenced or combined
(`applicableAnnotations` and `visitAnnotationUsage`)
- when any AST nodes of given types appear (`getApplicableUastTypes`
and `createUastHandler`)
* When implementing a **`ClassScanner`**, in `.class` and `.jar` files
you can be called back
- when a method is invoked for a particular owner
(`getApplicableCallOwners` and `checkCall`
- when a given bytecode instruction occurs
(`getApplicableAsmNodeTypes` and `checkInstruction`)
- like with XmlScanner's `visitDocument`, you can perform your own
ASM bytecode iteration via `checkClass`
* There are various other scanners too, for example `GradleScanner`
which lets you visit `build.gradle` and `build.gradle.kts` DSL
closures, `BinaryFileScanner` which visits resource files such as
webp and png files, and `OtherFileScanner` which lets you visit
unknown files.
!!! Note
Note that `Detector` already implements empty stub methods for all
of these interfaces, so if you for example implement
`SourceFileScanner` in your detector, you don't need to go and add
empty implementations for all the methods you aren't using.
!!! Tip
None of Lint's APIs require you to call `super` when you override
methods; methods meant to be overridden are always empty so the
super-call is superfluous.
## Detector Lifecycle
Detector registration is done by detector class, not by detector
instance. Lint will instantiate detectors on your behalf. It will
instantiate the detector once per analysis, so you can stash state on
the detector in fields and accumulate information for analysis at the
There are some callbacks both before and after each individual file is
analyzed (`beforeCheckFile` and `afterCheckFile`), as well as before and
after analysis of all the modules (`beforeCheckRootProject` and
This is for example how the “unused resources” check works: we store
all the resource declarations and resource references we find in the
project as we process each file, and then in the
`afterCheckRootProject` method we analyze the resource graph and
compute any resource declarations that are not reachable in the
reference graph, and then we report each of these as unused.
## Scanner Order
Some lint checks involve multiple scanners. This is pretty common in
Android, where we want to cross check consistency between data in
resource files with the code usages. For example, the `String.format`
check makes sure that the arguments passed to `String.format` match the
formatting strings specified in all the translation XML files.
Lint defines an exact order in which it processes scanners, and within
scanners, data. This makes it possible to write some detectors more
easily because you know that you'll encounter one type of data before
the other; you don't have to handle the opposite order. For example, in
our `String.format` example, we know that we'll always see the
formatting strings before we see the code with `String.format` calls,
so we can stash the formatting strings in a map, and when we process
the formatting calls in code, we can immediately issue reports; we
don't have to worry about encountering a formatting call for a
formatting string we haven't processed yet.
Here's lint's defined order:
1. Android Manifest
2. Android resources XML files (alphabetical by folder type, so for
example layouts are processed before value files like translations)
3. Kotlin and Java files
4. Bytecode (local `.class` files and library `.jar` files)
5. TOML files
6. Gradle files
7. Other files
8. ProGuard files
9. Property Files
Similarly, lint will always process libraries before the modules
that depend on them.
!!! Tip
If you need to access something from later in the iteration order,
and it's not practical to store all the current data and instead
handle it when the later data is encountered, note that lint has
support for “multi-pass analysis”: it can run multiple times over
the data. The way you invoke this is via
`context.driver.requestRepeat(this, …)`. This is actually how the
unused resource analysis works. Note however that this repeat is
only valid within the current module; you can't re-run the analysis
through the whole dependency graph.
## Implementing a Detector: Services
In addition to the scanners, lint provides a number of services
to make implementation simpler. These include
* **`ConstantEvaluator`**: Performs evaluation of AST expressions, so
for example if we have the statements `x = 5; y = 2 * x`, the
constant evaluator can tell you that y is 10. This constant evaluator
can also be more permissive than a compiler's strict constant
evaluator; e.g. it can return concatenated strings where not all
parts are known, or it can use non-final initial values of fields.
This can help you find *possible* bugs instead of *certain* bugs.
* **`TypeEvaluator`**: Attempts to provide the concrete type of an
expression. For example, for the Java statements `Object s = new
StringBuilder(); Object o = s`, the type evaluator can tell you that
the type of `o` at this point is really `StringBuilder`.
* **`JavaEvaluator`**: Despite the unfortunate older name, this service
applies to both Kotlin and Java, and can for example provide
information about inheritance hierarchies, class lookup from fully
qualified names, etc.
* **`DataFlowAnalyzer`**: Data flow analysis within a method.
* For Android analysis, there are several other important services,
like the `ResourceRepository` and the `ResourceEvaluator`.
* Finally, there are a number of utility methods; for example there is
an `editDistance` method used to find likely typos.
## Scanner Example
Let's create a `Detector` using one of the above scanners,
`XmlScanner`, which will look at all the XML files in the project and
if it encounters a `` tag it will report that `` should
be used instead:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Detector
import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Detector.XmlScanner
import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Location
import com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.XmlContext
import org.w3c.dom.Element
class MyDetector : Detector(), XmlScanner {
override fun getApplicableElements() = listOf("bitmap")
override fun visitElement(context: XmlContext, element: Element) {
val incident = Incident(context, ISSUE)
.message( "Use `` instead of ``")
The above is using the new `Incident` API from Lint 7.0 and on; in
older versions you can use the following API, which still works in 7.0:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
class MyDetector : Detector(), XmlScanner {
override fun getApplicableElements() = listOf("bitmap")
override fun visitElement(context: XmlContext, element: Element) {
context.report(ISSUE, context.getLocation(element),
"Use `` instead of ``")
The second (older) form may seem simpler, but the new API allows a lot
more metadata to be attached to the report, such as an override
severity. You don't have to convert to the builder syntax to do this;
you could also have written the second form as
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
context.report(Incident(ISSUE, context.getLocation(element),
"Use `` instead of ``"))
## Analyzing Kotlin and Java Code
### UAST
To analyze Kotlin and Java code, lint offers an abstract syntax tree,
or “AST”, for the code.
This AST is called “UAST”, for “Universal Abstract Syntax Tree”, which
represents multiple languages in the same way, hiding the language
specific details like whether there is a semicolon at the end of the
statements or whether the way an annotation class is declared is as
`@interface` or `annotation class`, and so on.
This makes it possible to write a single analyzer which works
across all languages supported by UAST. And this is
very useful; most lint checks are doing something API or data-flow
specific, not something language specific. If however you do need to
implement something very language specific, see the next section,
In UAST, each element is called a **`UElement`**, and there are a
number of subclasses -- `UFile` for the compilation unit, `UClass` for
a class, `UMethod` for a method, `UExpression` for an expression,
`UIfExpression` for an `if`-expression, and so on.
Here's a visualization of an AST in UAST for two equivalent programs
written in Kotlin and Java. These programs both result in the same
AST, shown on the right: a `UFile` compilation unit, containing
a `UClass` named `MyTest`, containing `UField` named s which has
an initializer setting the initial value to `hello`.
* MyTest.kt: UAST:
* +---------------------------+ .-------.
* | package test.pkg | | UFile |
* | class MyTest { | '---+---'
* | private val s = “hello” | |
* | } | .------+------.
* +---------------------------+ | UClass MyTest |
* '------+------'
* MyTest.java: |
* +------------------------+ .---+----.
* | package test.pkg; | | UField s |
* | public class MyTest { | '+------+'
* | private String s = | / \
* | “hello”; | / \
* | } | / \
* +------------------------+ / \
* .-----------+. .--------+---------------.
* |UIdentifier s | | ULiteralExpression hello |
* '------------' '------------------------'
!!! Tip
The name “UAST” is a bit misleading; it is not some sort of superset
of all possible syntax trees; instead, think of this as the “Java
view” of all code. So, for example, there isn’t a `UProperty` node
which represents Kotlin properties. Instead, the AST will look the
same as if the property had been implemented in Java: it will
contain a private field and a public getter and a public setter
(unless of course the Kotlin property specifies a private setter).
If you’ve written code in Kotlin and have tried to access that
Kotlin code from a Java file you will see the same thing -- the
“Java view” of Kotlin. The next section, “PSI”, will discuss how to
do more language specific analysis.
### UAST Example
Here's an example (from the built-in `AlarmDetector` for Android) which
shows all of the above in practice; this is a lint check which makes
sure that if anyone calls `AlarmManager.setRepeating`, the second
argument is at least 5,000 and the third argument is at least 60,000.
Line 1 says we want to have line 3 called whenever lint comes across a
method to `setRepeating`.
On lines 8-14 we make sure we're talking about the correct method on the
correct class with the correct signature. This uses the `JavaEvaluator`
to check that the called method is a member of the named class. This is
necessary because the callback would also be invoked if lint came
across a method call like `Unrelated.setRepeating`; the
`visitMethodCall` callback only matches by name, not receiver.
On line 36 we use the `ConstantEvaluator` to compute the value of each
argument passed in. This will let this lint check not only handle cases
where you're specifying a specific value directly in the argument list,
but also for example referencing a constant from elsewhere.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kotlin linenumbers
override fun getApplicableMethodNames(): List = listOf("setRepeating")
override fun visitMethodCall(
context: JavaContext,
node: UCallExpression,
method: PsiMethod
) {
val evaluator = context.evaluator
if (evaluator.isMemberInClass(method, "android.app.AlarmManager") &&
evaluator.getParameterCount(method) == 4
) {
ensureAtLeast(context, node, 1, 5000L)
ensureAtLeast(context, node, 2, 60000L)
private fun ensureAtLeast(
context: JavaContext,
node: UCallExpression,
parameter: Int,
min: Long
) {
val argument = node.valueArguments[parameter]
val value = getLongValue(context, argument)
if (value < min) {
val message = "Value will be forced up to $min as of Android 5.1; " +
"don't rely on this to be exact"
context.report(ISSUE, argument, context.getLocation(argument), message)
private fun getLongValue(
context: JavaContext,
argument: UExpression
): Long {
val value = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(context, argument)
if (value is Number) {
return value.toLong()
return java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE
### Looking up UAST
To write your detector's analysis, you need to know what the AST for
your code of interest looks like. Instead of trying to figure it out by
examining the elements under a debugger, a simple way to find out is to
“pretty print” it, using the `UElement` extension method
For example, given the following unit test:
+ "package test.pkg\n"
+ "\n"
+ "class MyTest {\n"
+ " val s: String = \"hello\"\n"
+ "}\n"), ...
If you evaluate `context.uastFile?.asRecursiveLogString()` from
one of the callbacks, it will print this:
UFile (package = test.pkg)
UClass (name = MyTest)
UField (name = s)
UAnnotation (fqName = org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)
ULiteralExpression (value = "hello")
UAnnotationMethod (name = getS)
UAnnotationMethod (name = MyTest)
(This also illustrates the earlier point about UAST representing the
Java view of the code; here the read-only public Kotlin property “s” is
represented by both a private field `s` and a public getter method,
### Resolving
When you have a method call, or a field reference, you may want to take
a look at the called method or field. This is called “resolving”, and
UAST supports it directly; on a `UCallExpression` for example, call
`.resolve()`, which returns a `PsiMethod`, which is like a `UMethod`,
but may not represent a method we have source for (which for example
would be the case if you resolve a reference to the JDK or to a library
we do not have sources for). You can call `.toUElement()` on the
PSI element to try to convert it to UAST if source is available.
!!! Warning
Resolving only works if lint has a correct classpath such that the
referenced method, field, or class is actually present. If it is
not, resolve will return null, and various lint callbacks will not
be invoked. This is a common source of questions for lint checks
“not working”; it frequently comes up in lint unit tests where a
test file will reference some API that isn't actually included in
the class path. The recommended approach for this is to declare
local stubs. See the [unit testing](unit-testing.md.html) chapter
for more details about this.
### Implicit Calls
Kotlin supports operator overloading for a number of built-in
operators. For example, if you have the following code,
fun test(n1: BigDecimal, n2: BigDecimal) {
// Here, this is really an infix call to BigDecimal#compareTo
if (n1 < n2) {
the `<` here is actually a function call (which you can verify by
invoking Go To Declaration over the symbol in the IDE). This is not
something that is built specially for the `BigDecimal` class; this
works on any of your Java classes as well, and Kotlin if you put the
`operator` modifier as part of the function declaration.
However, note that in the abstract syntax tree, this is **not**
represented as a `UCallExpression`; here we'll have a
`UBinaryExpression` with left operand `n1`, right operand `n2` and
operator `UastBinaryOperator.LESS`. This means that if your lint check
is specifically looking at `compareTo` calls, you can't just visit
every `UCallExpression`; you *also* have to visit every
`UBinaryExpression`, and check whether it's invoking a `compareTo`
This is not just specific to binary operators; it also applies to unary
operators (such as `!`, `-`, `++`, and so on), as well as even array
accesses; an array access can map to a `get` call or a `set` call
depending on how it's used.
Lint has some special support to help handle these situations.
First, the built-in support for call callbacks (where you register an
interest in call names by returning names from the
`getApplicableMethodNames` and then responding in the `visitMethodCall`
callback) already handles this automatically. If you register for
example an interest in method calls to `compareTo`, it will invoke your
callback for the binary operator scenario shown above as well, passing
you a call which has the right value arguments, method name, and so on.
The way this works is that lint can create a “wrapper” class which
presents the underlying `UBinaryExpression` (or
`UArrayAccessExpression` and so on) as a `UCallExpression`. In the case
of a binary operator, the value parameter list will be the left and
right operands. This means that your code can just process this as if
the code had written as an explicit call instead of using the operator
syntax. You can also directly look for this wrapper class,
`UImplicitCallExpression`, which has an accessor method for looking up
the original or underlying element. And you can construct these
wrappers yourself, via `UBinaryExpression.asCall()`,
`UUnaryExpression.asCall()`, and `UArrayAccessExpression.asCall()`.
There is also a visitor you can use to visit all calls --
`UastCallVisitor`, which will visit all calls, including those from
array accesses and unary operators and binary operators.
This support is particularly useful for array accesses, since unlike
the operator expression, there is no `resolveOperator` method on
`UArrayExpression`. There is an open request for that in the UAST issue
tracker (KTIJ-18765), but for now, lint has a workaround to handle the
resolve on its own.
### PSI
PSI is short for “Program Structure Interface”, and is IntelliJ's AST
abstraction used for all language modeling in the IDE.
Note that there is a **different** PSI representation for each
language. Java and Kotlin have completely different PSI classes
involved. This means that writing a lint check using PSI would involve
writing a lot of logic twice; once for Java, and once for Kotlin. (And
the Kotlin PSI is a bit trickier to work with.)
That's what UAST is for: there's a “bridge” from the Java PSI to UAST
and there's a bridge from the Kotlin PSI to UAST, and your lint check
just analyzes UAST.
However, there are a few scenarios where we have to use PSI.
The first, and most common one, is listed in the previous section on
resolving. UAST does not completely replace PSI; in fact, PSI leaks
through in part of the UAST API surface. For example,
`UMethod.resolve()` returns a `PsiMethod`. And more importantly,
`UMethod` **extends** `PsiMethod`.
!!! Warning
For historical reasons, `PsiMethod` and other PSI classes contain
some unfortunate APIs that only work for Java, such as asking for
the method body. Because `UMethod` extends `PsiMethod`, you might be
tempted to call `getBody()` on it, but this will return null from
Kotlin. If your unit tests for your lint check only have test cases
written in Java, you may not realize that your check is doing the
wrong thing and won't work on Kotlin code. It should call `uastBody`
on the `UMethod` instead. Lint's special detector for lint detectors
looks for this and a few other scenarios (such as calling `parent`
instead of `uastParent`), so be sure to configure it for your
When you are dealing with “signatures” -- looking at classes and
class inheritance, methods, parameters and so on -- using PSI is
fine -- and unavoidable since UAST does not represent bytecode
(though in the future it potentially could, via a decompiler)
or any other JVM languages than Kotlin and Java.
However, if you are looking at anything *inside* a method or class
or field initializer, you **must** use UAST.
The **second** scenario where you may need to use PSI is where you have
to do something language specific which is not represented in UAST. For
example, if you are trying to look up the names or default values of a
parameter, or whether a given class is a companion object, then you'll
need to dip into Kotlin PSI.
There is usually no need to look at Java PSI since UAST fully covers
it, unless you want to look at individual details like specific
whitespace between AST nodes, which is represented in PSI but not UAST.
!!! Tip
You can find additional documentation from JetBrains for both
[PSI](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/psi.html) and
Just note that their documentation is aimed at IDE plugin developers
rather than lint developers.
## Testing
Writing unit tests for the lint check is important, and this is covered
in detail in the dedicated [unit testing](unit-testing.md.html)