# Configuring Using lint.xml Files In addition to configuring lint with command line flags or Gradle DSL options, you can also create XML files named `lint.xml`, which lint will look for automatically. Like `.gitignore` files, these can be nested, so you can for example create a `lint.xml` file which sets the severity of an issue to error, but then in a specific subfolder change the severity to be just a warning. This chapter describes the syntax of `lint.xml` files. ## XML Syntax The root tag is always ``, and it can contain one or more `` elements. Each can specify the following attributes: `id`: The issue id the following configuration applies to. Note that this can be a comma separated list of multiple id's, in which case the configuration applies to all of them. It can also be the special value “all”, which will match all issue id's. And when configuring severity, the id is also allowed to be a category, such as “Security”. `in`: Specifies that this configuration only applies when lint runs in the given hosts. There are predefined names for various integrations of lint; “gradle” refers to lint running in the Gradle plugin; “studio” refers to lint running in the IDE, “cli” refers to lint running from the command line tools “lint” binary, etc. Like with id's, this can be a comma separated list, which makes the rule match if the lint host is any of the listed hosts. Finally, note that you can also add a “!” in front of each host to negate the check. For example, to enable a check anywhere except when running in Studio, use `in="!studio"`. In addition, the element can specify one or more children: ``: Specifies a path to ignore. Can contain the globbing character “*” to match any substring in the path. ``: Specifies either a regular expression to ignore. The regular expression is matched against both the location of the error and the error message itself. `